Celebrating the Life and Legacy of a Saint
This Sunday the Church celebrates the canonization of two Popes, John Paul II and John XXIII. Many of our members are particularly celebrating the life of John XXIII, who called together the Second Vatican Council.
CTA chapters, parishes sponsor Diana Hayes speaking tour
On April 28th, Diana Hayes will kick off a "thruway tour" of Upstate New York with a talk in Buffalo, from there she will head to Syracuse, Rochester and Albany.
Barbara Fiand inspires attendees to transform their vision of Church and world
CTA of Western Washington organized a very successful retreat day last weekend with Sr. Barbara Fiand.
Chapters prepare for Chrism Mass vigils
Groups across the country are busy planning their annual Chrism Mass vigils.
Courageous sister talks with New England Catholics
Sr. Theresa Kane, who once led the LCWR and spoke with the Pope about women's equality in ministry, spoke with over 150 people who gathered on Cape Cod last week.
Fr. Roy inspires Colorado Catholics
Fr. Roy Bourgeois, women's ordination advocate and social justice activist, frequently travels the country to speak. He's been hosted by many CTA chapters and is a great friend of ours.
Spreading the message of gender equality at the RE Congress
"Sexism is a Sin" and " Ordain Women Now" read the signs and now the wristbands worn by hundreds who attended the Religious Education Congress in Anaheim, CA.
Detroit Catholics stand up for love at Courage retreat
When Detroit Catholics heard the their diocese was sponsoring an anti-LGBT group to lead a retreat, they immediately began organizing to witness to an affirming and inclusive Church.
Parents of LGBT children host retreat
Local members of CTA, Dignity and Fortunate Families teamed up in the Twin Cities last week to host a retreat for parents of LGBT children.
Retreat with Matthew Fox inspires Floridians
CTA in South Florida organized a hugely successful retreat day with Matthew Fox last week.
New chapter's event welcomes over 80 people
Over 80 people gathered on Sunday at the home of the Wheaton Fransciscans for a "Family and Friends" event hosted by our West Suburban Chicago chapter.
Catholics welcome Bishop Nicolosi for inclusive liturgy
Holy Wisdom Catholic Community, an inclusive Roman Catholic Community committed to living the Gospel values of Justice, is sponsoring a liturgy in Los Angeles with Bishop Regina Nicolosi.
San Diego Catholics host event about Human Trafficking
The CTA chapter in San Diego invites friends to an event with Sr. Jean Schafer, SDS.
Matthew Fox explores creation spirituality in FL
Our CTA chapter in Sarasota is hosting a retreat day with writer, activist and theologian Matthew Fox this weekend.
TX chapter leaders plan collaborative work
In the first gathering of its kind, leaders from four of our CTA chapters in the Lone Star State met last weekend in Austin to build community and plan collaborative work.
"Go Orange" for justice in Seattle
The students and community members supporting Mark Zmuda, a Catholic school employee fired for marrying his husband, have organized a Twitter and Facebook campaign that you can join from anywhere in the country.
29,000 signatures of support for fired teacher delivered to chancery
CTA members in Seattle have been supporting the student-led campaign to support Mark Zmuda; last week they were among those who delivered the signatures to the chancery, while students delivered the same ones to school administrators.
FL Catholics learn about the history of feminist nuns
The CTA chapter in SW Florida recently hosted Dr. Marian Ronan, a Catholic author, feminist, activist, religion professor and past president of the Women's Ordination Conference who recently published the book Sister Trouble: The Vatican, the Bishops, and the Nuns.
CTA-NY Mobilizing to save parishes
CTA Metro NY is mobilizing Catholics and educating themselves about the rights of parishioners in preparation for the diocese's pastoral planning initiative.
Join us for the kickoff of a new CTA group
On January 5th, justice minded Catholics will gather in Wheaton for the kickoff of a new west-suburban branch of the CTA Chicago chapter!