Alternative Liturgies Directory

The Alternative Liturgies Directory provides a space to share information about spiritual communities that meet outside a traditional parish setting. These gatherings include online prayer services, Intentional Eucharistic Communities, churches presided over by women-priests, Call To Action chapter liturgies, and more.

Alternative liturgies were formed and inspired by Vatican II to provide meaningful spiritual experiences, worship, and community rooted in the Catholic tradition. Many alternative liturgies have a strong charism for social justice influenced by Catholic Social Teaching.

​If you or your community already gather in an inclusive, alternative liturgy and would like to have it placed in the directory, please email Randy Vonck at

Hybrid services are offered both in person and online.

In person services meet only physically. Visit the community’s website or email the contact person listed for more information if an address is not provided.

Online services are live-streamed only, usually via Zoom. Visit the community’s website or email the contact person listed for more information if a Zoom link is not provided.

*Communities are listed below in alphabetical order.

Charis Ecumenical Catholic Community Hybrid

Eden Prairie, MN

11000 Blossom Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347

Sundays at 9am PT|10am MT |11am CT | 12pm ET

Live the change we've been praying for!

The Charis Community is justice-focused, sacramentally inclusive of all gender expressions, and democratic in
our leadership at all levels locally and nationally. Wherever you are on your journey, know that you are wanted and
welcome at Charis, the first Ecumenical Catholic Community in Minnesota. Please join us for Mass in person or on Zoom --
Our worship will, from here on, be hybrid.  

Click here to join our Sunday Prayer

Emmaus Community in Sonoma County Hybrid

San Diego, CA

Knox Presbyterian & Thanksgiving Lutheran Churches
1650 W. Third St.
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Sundays at 9am PT|10am MT |11am CT | 12pm ET

Emmaus is an inclusive eucharistic community. We celebrate our liturgy on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 5 pm Pacific
with a potluck following. All are welcome.

More information, including the Zoom link, is on our website:

Holy Spirit Catholic Community In person only

Toledo, OH

3925 W. Central Avenue Toledo, OH 43606
in the chapel at Washington Church

Saturdays at 4:30pm ET

Holy Spirit Catholic Community is an inclusive lay-administered intentional community
formed in the tradition of Vatican II. Christ-centered through the Word and the Eucharist, we are challenged
to love and respect all of God’s creation and to live out Christ’s teachings with guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Following the way and teachings of Jesus, Holy Spirit welcomes all people of every religion, age, ability, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and economic level.

Learn more by visiting our Facebook page!
To contact us, please email

Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community In person only

Seattle, WA

Keystone, UCC
5019 Keystone Place
Seattle, WA 98103

Last Sunday of the month at 9:30am PT|10:30am MT|11:30am CT| 12:30pm ET

Living Water was founded in the summer of 2022 by Catholics who sought to “worship God in Spirit and Truth.” We meet on the last Sunday of the month at Keystone UCC to celebrate an inclusive eucharistic liturgy. We are committed to radical inclusivity, social justice, and interfaith dialogue. All are welcome!

Mary Magdalene Apostle Catholic Community Hybrid

San Diego, CA

Gethsemane Lutheran Church
2696 Melbourne Drive
San Diego, CA 92123

Sundays at 5pm PT|6pm MT|7pm CT| 8pm ET

Mary Magdalene Apostle Catholic Community (MMACC) is a community of progressive Catholics who are committed to the reform and renewal of the church. We strive to live the values of compassion, peace, and social justice as taught by Jesus. We believe in a church that celebrates the full equality of all persons - practicing radical inclusivity in our ministry, worship, and language. We support women's ordination, optional celibacy for all priests, and a discipleship of equals where all are truly welcome.

For more about online liturgy livestream, click here.
Zoom Liturgy Link:

More information about MMACC at!

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community Online Only

Sarasota, FL

5342 Clark Road #3079
Sarasota, FL 34233

Saturdays at 1pm PT|2pm MT|3pm CT| 4pm ET

For more information, visit!

Zoom information to join the Saturday service:

Meeting ID: 815 3407 5389
Passcode: 803326

Resurrection Community Online Only

Cincinnati, OH

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at
6pm PT |7 pm MT |8pm CT | 7pm ET

The Resurrection Community’s intentional eucharistic liturgies are based on the liturgies composed by Diamuid O’Murchu and others, feature dialogue homilies, contemporary scripture readings, inclusive language, and emphasis on the epiclesis (consecration by the Holy Spirit and the community). An electronic copy of the liturgy is provided with the Zoom link. A RCWP ordained woman priest, Paula Hoeffer, presides. We are committed to the reform of the Roman Catholic Church. All are welcome to participate.

Email to receive the Zoom link or other information.

Spirit of Grace In person and Hybrid

Beavertown, OR

7400 SW Scholls Ferry Rd
Beaverton, OR 97008

Sundays at 8:30am PT|9:30am MT|10:30am CT| 11:30am ET (IN PERSON)
Sundays at 10:45am PT|11:45am MT|12:45pm CT| 1:45pm ET (HYBRID)

Spirit of Grace was started as a Lutheran-Catholic community in the mid 1980's. Today our members come from many faith traditions. We offer two services each Sunday: 8:30 am and 10:45 am. We are a justice seeking community that provides many opportunities of lay leadership. Currently we alternate between Lutheran and Catholic Eucharist, with the last Sunday of the month being a lay led service with a potluck taking place 9:45 - 10:30am.

Learn more about us at:

Click here for more information on Sunday services and how to join via Zoom!

St. Mary Magdalene Community Hybrid

Drexel Hill, PA

Sundays at 6am PT|7am MT|8am CT| 9am ET

The Community of St. Mary Magdalene is an inclusive Catholic community located in a suburb of Philadelphia. We meet every Sunday at 9AM Eastern Time.

Our website address is
Find more information on how to join us for Mass there!

St. Michael’s Independent Catholic Community In person only

Loomis, CA

6440 King Road
Loomis, CA 95650

Sundays at 5pm PT|6pm MT|7pm CT| 8pm ET

Welcome! This is your church! We are St. Michael's Independent Catholic Parish. Our mission statement is to Love God and Love Our Neighbor as we Love Ourselves. We commit ourselves to grow spiritually and live the Gospel message as we help to build the kingdom of God as disciples of Christ. We are inclusive, non-judgmental, and ecumenical toward all. We believe that all of us are children of God and we respect the talents and calling of each person. From the early church, we accept optional celibacy for clergy and we recognize the ordination of women. We practice giving loving service and outreach to those in need. We also advocate for social justice issues in our local, global, and environmental communities.

Please contact us for information:

Find us on Facebook here!

The Open Window (CTA Dallas Chapter) Hybrid

Dallas, TX

Sundays at 12pm PT | 1pm MT | 2pm CT | 3pm ET

The Open Window (Dallas, TX) CTA chapter eucharistic liturgies are based on works by Diamuid O'Muchu and Michael Morwood.  Homilies are discussion, led by the chapter member who has volunteered to preside at the liturgy that day.

The liturgies take place on Zoom every Sunday at 2 p.m. Central Time, except for the 3rd Sunday of the month when an in-person liturgy takes place in a member's home at 2 p.m. Central Time.

Email Mary Jane Stevenson at for the Zoom link and information about the in-person liturgy.

Washtenaw (Ann Arbor area) Progressive/Inclusive Community Liturgy Online Only

Washtenaw, MI

Sundays at 11am PT| 12pm MT| 1pm CT| 2pm ET

Join the CTA Washtenaw Chapter for community-led liturgy and dialogue. The theme is developed by various members followed by a dialogue and a potluck (when we can meet in person).

Learn more about the CTA Washtenaw Chapter at!

Contact Randy Vonck at for the Zoom link and other connection information.