Anti-Racism Team

Call To Action maintains a central commitment to anti-racist values and praxis in its work.
In 2004, CTA’s board commissioned the Anti-Racism Team to provide accountability for CTA’s ongoing commitment to anti-racist values. The Anti-Racism Team seeks to make Call To Action an anti-racist institution and spread that effort to address racism in the Church and society. The Anti-Racism Team reviews CTA’s current projects and programs and helps develop new programs, such as trainings and discussion series. ART members are found at every level of the organization, from the Vision Council to regional volunteers.
ART meets the 1st Wednesday of the month
5 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. CT / 2 p.m. PT
Group contact: Fred Dabrowski,
The Vision Council, Anti-Racism Team, and wider Call To Action community mourn and pray for the victims, families, and all impacted by the horrific, white-supremacist massacre in Buffalo, New York on Saturday May 14, 2022. Anti-Black racism must end now.
In partnership with Baltimore’s Racial Justice Circle, CTA Maryland is proud to present a virtual Black History Month presentation featuring Dr. Shannen Dee Williams. Join us on February 12.
Non-Indigenous people residing in the Americas live on stolen land. What are the implications of the Catholic Church's land ownership today, in the supposedly postcolonial era? Join this December 14 conversation with Re/Generator Tess Thompson.
All CTA members and friends who identify as Queer/Trans*, Black/Brown, Indigenous, Asian-American/Pacific Islander, People of Color are invited to participate in a special virtual Advent liturgy on December 5!
Join CTA Sacramento and authors Ched Myers and Elaine Enns for this December 5th event. We’ll explore how settlers can transform our lifeways and structures by practicing restorative solidarity and reparation with Indigenous Californians.
On June 21, Kascha Sanor will offer an introduction to police and prison abolition via liberation theology's "see, judge, act" framework.
On June 13, Lincoln Cochrane, a leader in the Black Wall Street Alliance, will speak about the historical significance of the Tulsa Race Massacre.
Rescheduled! The Racial Justice Circle has held "Honest Conversations on Racism" events at 21 Catholic parishes in Baltimore. Learn more from Ryan and Joan Sattler of CTA Maryland on June 16.
Black and Latine Catholics, queer Catholics, women called to ordained ministry—the Church hierarchy is slow to listen to us. We Re/Generators are working to change that.
On March 17, please join Sister Irma Dillard, RSCJ for an hour to hear a frank presentation on race in the U.S. Church today. Register now.
On March 30, 2023, the Vatican repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery, a set of legal principles that validated European Christian settlers’ sovereignty over the Americas. In this piece from our archive, New York-based writer and therapist Tess Thompson reflects on spending Lent 2022 reading Sarah Augustine’s book The Land is Not Empty, which unpacks the Doctrine of Discovery and its impact on Indigenous cultures.
For the First Sunday of Advent, 2022, Interim Executive Director Lauren Barbato reflects on what it means to “stay awake” as North American Catholics grappling with our ugly personal and collective pasts.
Indigenous peoples will get their land back and the Doctrine of Discovery will die, and not through our leadership but with our solidarity.
We sit with tears in our eyes and become filled with anger and disbelief that these horrors continue to afflict our Ukrainian neighbors.
Moses’s encounter with God and King’s testimony are not about the future but about living into justice and taking action now.
In being willing to face the truth, we need to recognize that the dominant Christianity of our society has been and still is an “enemy to the cross of Christ.”
O, Holy One, remind us always that we were once strangers in a strange land, dependent on the kindness and generosity of others. Protect all those who are forced to leave the land of their birth, or are forcibly removed from it by those who would take it from them.
We are amidst the “Dustbowlification” of Colorado and the west from continuing to use fossil fuels.
Spurred on by the example of my Re/Generation Cohorts, I am more prepared to become “the voice crying out in the wilderness.” I am more ready to light the candles of expectation and joy, and these light a path for justice and hope for all who have been hurt or marginalized.
Globally, the Catholic Church is thought to own 177 million acres of land. What responsibility does the Church have to steward these lands justly – and what would land justice and decolonization look like for the Church?