Rethinking our relationship to stolen land

Tuesday, December 14
6-7:30 pm ET/5-6:30 pm CT/3-4:30 pm PT
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Non-Indigenous people residing in the Americas live on stolen land — land that was seized and controlled as part of the settler colonial process, both by private individuals and large institutions such as the Catholic Church. Today, many of us are disconnected from land, and only dimly aware of its cultural, spiritual, economic, and political power. How can we raise our consciousness of how precious land is, and return to living in right relationship with it? What are the implications of the Catholic Church's land ownership today, in the supposedly postcolonial era? Join us for a facilitated discussion of these topics with 2021 Re/Generator Tess Thompson, author of the recent Perspectives piece “As American Catholics, we need to reshape our relationship to land.”


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