Matthew Fox explores creation spirituality in FL

Our CTA chapter in Sarasota is hosting a retreat day with writer, activist and theologian Matthew Fox this weekend. If you are in the area, check out our events calendar for more details.

"This day of retreat will include lectures and practices to awaken spirit in us as we learn from pioneers of consciousness, the mystic-prophets of the past and present," say the organizers. The day will "explore how creation spirituality can help us move to hope by awakening us to our divine origins, to the new creation story from science, to eco-justice and gender justice, to the wisdom shared in faith traditions of East and West, to panentheism or the presence of God in all things and all things in God and of indigenous people everywhere," and how these concepts can help transform us.

Matthew Fox has spoken at CTA conferences and many of our members love his retreats and books. Make sure to keep an eye out for inspiring events like this one on our blog and calendar!


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