Congrats Water With Blessings!
Our heartfelt congratulations to our friends at Water With Blessings, who just received the prestigious Clarence Moore Award for Excellence in Voluntary Service Organization from the Pan American Health Organization Foundation (PAHO)! Water With Blessings is led by volunteers and long time CTA members in Louisville.
1,500 call for investigation of Bishop
Over 1500 voices calling for an investigation of Bishop Dewane of the Venice diocese in Southwest Florida are on their way to Pope Francis today.
Celebrating Bob Heineman
For nearly 20 years, Bob Heineman has served on Call To Action’s national staff cultivating and supporting CTA’s local chapters around the country as well as leading fundraising efforts.
CTA chapter speaks out against Bishop's anti-Muslim speech
After Bishop Paprocki made anti-Muslim statements in a speech last week, our CTA chapter responded quickly with a statement making it clear that the Bishop did not speak for the majority of Catholics in the diocese.
Priest who stood with his community will speak in Columbus
Fr. Robert Marrone, who faced excommunication in 2010 for standing with his parish when the diocese tried to close it, will speak on Wednesday in Columbus about the state of community in our Church and what the future may hold.
Stand against injustice in Florida diocese
Since 2006, Catholics in the diocese of Venice, Florida have been tirelessly trying to save their Church from the effects of a Bishop whose intimidation and bullying have harmed many.
Colorado Chapter to Host Fr. Charles Curran & Sr. Jeannine Gramick
A rare opportunity to hear two leading Catholic Theologians and practitioners on the subject of the Primacy of Conscience as delineated by Vatican II.
Kansas City Catholics support fired Church worker
Today, Colleen Simon and her supporters, including many CTA members who've been working with her, will deliver a petition to Bishop Finn asking him to reinstate Colleen in her job running a local food pantry.
Midwestern church justice folks gather
Leaders of CTA chapters and allies held a regional gathering last weekend.
FL Catholics reach out to priests who stood up to bishop
The CTA chapters in SW FL and Peace River have long been one of the strongest voices speaking up against a bishop who has mismanaged funds, abused his power and made the working conditions of priests and church workers nearly unbearable.
CTA MD explores racial justice issues
Racial dynamics are key to our work for social justice and our members in Maryland have made exploring these topics a key part of their work as a chapter. Last week, their day-long mini-conference, Hope for Racial Justice in our Church and Society: Planting the Seeds attracted an interested, passionate and diverse group of over 100 people, including many who were new to CTA.
Oregon chapter hosts Anti-Racism workshop
Last weekend, CTA Northwest Oregon hosted two members of our national Anti-Racism Team who led a workshop on how we can all work together to dismantle structures of racism in our communities.
Kansas City CTA supports fired Church Worker
When parishioners of St. Frances Xavier and their friends in the Kansas City community heard that their friend Colleen had been fired, they rallied around her in support.
NYC Catholics discuss their role as laity in the Church
What does the prophetic element of the baptismal priesthood mean for the way Catholic laypeople must exercise their ministry, both to the world and in the church?
CTA members lobby for victims’ rights
CTA members in New York have been very active in the movement to support childhood sexual abuse victims and make sure that abusers are held accountable.
Trans Forming Love presentation to be livestreamed
This Saturday, May 17th, New Ways Ministry and Call to Action/Maryland are presenting an exciting workshop on transgender issues from a Catholic perspective.
Over 300 gather in Sacramento
The West Coast CTA Conference, organized by our local chapters and volunteers, was a wonderful weekend!
Bishop Patricia Fresen to visit MI
Patricia Fresen, one of the first Roman Catholic women bishops, will be speaking in Michigan.
Amazing speakers this weekend at the West Coast CTA Conference
This weekend, May 2-4, join us in Sacramento for an inspiring weekend of community and learning!
Jack & Ellen McNally
“The people of our chapter are well-educated Catholics who care about their church but know it can be better.”