Midwestern church justice folks gather

Leaders of CTA chapters and allies held a regional gathering last weekend. About 25 leaders gathered at Holy Wisdom Monastery, where they enjoyed the hospitality and beautiful surroundings that encouraged a productive and inspiring weekend. CTA has grown to include nearly 60 chapters and groups and is now organized into regions which collaborate on joint projects and foster a supportive community for one another in this journey to create a more just Church. The midwest leaders discussed strategies for reaching out to diverse groups, shared tips for working in interfaith coalitions, and planned ways to support one another's actions. The group spent time sharing their own stories of how they came to work for Church reform and what sustains their passion for creating an inclusive Church.

The group gained insights from their time with each other, for example they heard from the WI chapters about their work in interfaith groups, where CTA is the main Catholic presence. Working in interfaith groups has introduced them to a vibrant community of activists and causes. The group discussed ways that they could collaborate to host speakers and events jointly and plan actions.

For more information about chapters in your area, or how to start one, check out our chapters page!


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