CTA chapter speaks out against Bishop's anti-Muslim speech
After Bishop Paprocki made anti-Muslim statements in a speech last week, our CTA chapter responded quickly with a statement making it clear that the Bishop did not speak for the majority of Catholics in the diocese.
"At a time when greater interreligious dialogue and understanding is needed in order to advance the ultimate goals of peace and harmony around the world, people of faith must move beyond tired, outdated, and medieval stereotypes that serve only to increase misunderstanding and spread false information. In choosing to recall this quote, and then defending this decision, Bishop Paprocki displays a profound lack of understanding of what it means to be a Muslim," they said. "Call to Action and Holy Family wish to make it clear to our Muslim brothers and sisters that Bishop Paprocki does not speak for all Catholics. We regret his hurtful words, and hope to work closely with the local Muslim community in the coming months and years to foster greater understanding and acceptance."
They pointed out that Islam and its holy books and traditions have a long history of promoting peace and that the Catholic Church has its own long history of violence, colonialism and subjugation to work on. Catholics of central Illinois made it clear that the Bishop didn't speak for them last year when they vigiled outside of an exorcism that the Bishop called in response to marriage equality coming to IL. It is sad to see they must now also stand against his hurtful comments toward our Muslim siblings, but also inspiring to see them taking ownership of their choice and standing on the side of love.