Congrats Water With Blessings!
Our heartfelt congratulations to our friends at Water With Blessings, who just received the prestigious Clarence Moore Award for Excellence in Voluntary Service Organization from the Pan American Health Organization Foundation (PAHO)!
Water With Blessings was the recipient of the money collected at the 2012 Conference liturgy. Each year half of the collection from Sunday liturgy goes to a different charity, often one local to the city hosting our conference (the other half funds conference scholarships). Water With Blessings is led by volunteers and long time CTA members in Louisville, where our 2012 Conference was held. This amazing group empowers mothers in the developing world with the technology and skills to bring clean water to their communities. "As Water Women, young mothers (and grandmothers!) are equipped and empowered for the ministry of filtering safe water for their families and neighbors," they wrote to us in 2012. "Those Water Women will be able to provide clean, safe water to many children and adults for many years... what a blessing! And their ministry will build women's leadership and strengthen the values of community in their neighborhoods...more blessings!"
About the award, Larraine says, " The award of $5000 will be dedicated to equipping, empowering and entrusting 83 more mothers in our Water Woman program. This is close to the amount raised in 2012 by CTA, which also went for the same cause! Of course, given the huge need of God's thirsty children, we are always encouraging others to sponsor mothers: $60 for a decade or more of clean water for their families and neighbors."The award was given in recognition of the "the impact and potential [Water With Blessings] has for addressing critical public health needs of the peoples of the Americas" at an awards ceremony earlier this week. "WWB meets and exceeds the criteria for best practices in water intervention projects, through a unique program that equips, empowers and entrusts women as agents of transformation in their communities. The WWB program achieves a remarkable level of sustainability in support of the best practices of water intervention projects as advocated by the Centers for Disease Control and other experts in the field."
Congratulations Water With Blessings and keep up the wonderful work (we know you will)!