Articles, essays, and reflections from progressive Catholic voices.
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Giving Away // Giving Back
During the Advent season, we contemplate the actions we can take to bring a little more light and justice into this world. In the following piece, Craig Simpson of Massachusetts Catholics for Indigenous Rights shares how he placed land justice principles into action.
Vocal Training
For the Second Sunday of Advent, Richard Young reflects on how the wilderness provides us with “vocal training”—the skills needed to be the voice for change and inclusion. How do we fine-tune this training in the wilderness? This reflection is a collaboration with DignityUSA’s Breath of the Spirit series.
Mary Wears Her Scars Like the Rest of Us
On December 8, Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. December 12 also marks the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Virgen de la Guadalupe). During this time of year, we center Mary and consider—or reconsider—our personal relationship with the most prominent woman in Catholicism.
First Sunday of Advent: Queer Reassurance and Diligent Waiting
For the first Sunday of Advent, Sam Barnes reflects on God’s invitation to invite all to the table. How do we prepare for Advent as members of the LGBTQIA+ community? What does it mean to share the table with those who say we aren’t holy enough to be Catholic? This reflection is a collaboration with DignityUSA’s Breath of the Spirit series.
I feel a lot safer when I’m in charge of what happens to me
CTA member Tess Thompson explores the intersection of abortion and gender identity in both Catholic theology and the broader national conversation. In this contemporary moment, “cisgender women and trans and nonbinary people of all genders are facing critical attacks on their dignity, their rights to decision-making, and their bodily autonomy.”
Sinead O’Connor Was Right
CTA Executive Director Lauren Barbato remembers Sinead O’Connor as a prophetic voice, a seeker of justice, and a rebellious truth-teller.
'Who Is Left With a Voice?' Reflections on Abortion in America
Call To Action's new executive director, Lauren Barbato, reflects on her decade-long history of researching and writing about abortion. On the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, she encourages Catholics to ask, ‘Who is left with a voice?’
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Belongs to Queer People, Too
When artist Dani of @andhersaints posted her illustration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus online, she wasn’t prepared for the blowback. Dani writes how the Sacred Heart can also be a queer icon that provides her and others with solace and peace. “Queer lives are holy and sacred,” she writes. “This is the message of Pride.”
Don’t Cling to Hatred. Live with Compassion.
CTA member Tiffani Castro reflects on the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and encourages Catholics to remember the teachings of Jesus. “I won’t have my faith and my values…be twisted, manipulated, and used for hatred and evil,” she writes.
The Diocese of Oakland: Out of Money and Out of Integrity
Longtime survivor advocate and former Oakland diocesan priest Tim Stier connects the Diocese of Oakland’s recent decision to file for bankruptcy to the institution's moral and spiritual bankruptcy. Pentecost is the time for the truth to be revealed, Stier writes, yet bankruptcy “hides the truth and blocks the desperately needed guidance of the Holy Spirit.”