Articles, essays, and reflections from progressive Catholic voices.
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The Power of Showing Up
How can DignityUSA pilgrims raise awareness, challenge the institution, and share in the sacraments at World Youth Day 2023? Pilgrims Audrey Carroll, Brian Frank, and Cait Gardiner discuss what it means to be church as a member or ally of the LGBTQ+ community.
Vatican Grants Women a Voice—Finally
Laywomen will cast votes at the upcoming Synod of Bishops for the first time in church history. Read what our partners have to say about this historic move.
Catholic Groups Behind Mifepristone Ban Are Part of Century-Long Tradition
For Religion Dispatches, CTA communications coordinator and Vision Council member Lauren Barbato looks into the Catholic physicians’ group behind the legal challenge to mifepristone, a drug used in medication abortions.
God, Nature, History: The Search for a Liberating Church
Past CTA Executive Director Zachary Johnson explains how his Catholicism is inspired by liberation theology, corporal works of mercy, and the Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz. Read Zach’s appeal on why CTA remains unique in the Catholic movement.
And So We Must Rise: Easter Sunday
Be not afraid—Christ is risen! For Easter Sunday, CTA staff member Revalon Wesson urges all of us—CTA members, people of faith, and the institutional church—to continue following these 94 calls to action beyond Easter Sunday.
Waiting with the Hopeless: Holy Saturday
For Holy Saturday, Anti-Racism Team and Indigenous Solidarity Collective member Rosa Manriquez implores us to stand with those who experience hopelessness on a daily basis.
Courage Expands Your World: Good Friday
For Good Friday, Executive Director Donna Tarney examines the moments of fear and courage in today’s Gospel passage. How can you lean into your fears to find the courage to expand your world?
What Does It Mean to Love?: Holy Thursday
For Holy Thursday, Tess Thompson draws on the wisdom of bell hooks and ponders what it means to love in the wake of the Vatican’s repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery.
Translating Anger into Action: Palm Sunday
For Palm Sunday, Lauren Barbato calls us to align ourselves with Jesus’ disciples, especially Mary Magdalene. How do we remain at the tomb, as Mary Magdalene did, and translate anger into action?
From the archive: You, me, and Sarah Augustine
On March 30, 2023, the Vatican repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery, a set of legal principles that validated European Christian settlers’ sovereignty over the Americas. In this piece from our archive, New York-based writer and therapist Tess Thompson reflects on spending Lent 2022 reading Sarah Augustine’s book The Land is Not Empty, which unpacks the Doctrine of Discovery and its impact on Indigenous cultures.