Articles, essays, and reflections from progressive Catholic voices.
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Giving Away // Giving Back
During the Advent season, we contemplate the actions we can take to bring a little more light and justice into this world. In the following piece, Craig Simpson of Massachusetts Catholics for Indigenous Rights shares how he placed land justice principles into action.
As Catholic bishops punish dissent, Rosemary Radford Ruether’s life and legacy show the way forward
Lauren Barbato in Religion Dispatches: “At a time when Roe will likely fall, and Catholics have substantial representation in the legislative, judicial, and executive branches, the choice to remain silent carries almost as high stakes as the choice to dissent.”
Intergenerational and cross-class organizing
The average person from the "baby boomer" generation has over ten times the wealth of the average millennial.
People’s History: A final reflection
Through 130+ written submissions, four gatherings, many one-on-one interviews, and eight published reflections, we have connected with over 200 people across our intergenerational Call To Action community.
People’s History: ‘A Community of Communities’ (Fr. Richard Renshaw)
Whether it’s progressive or it’s reactionary, top-down doesn’t work in the Church. It’s a community.
People’s History: Fred and Nichole
From Vatican II to the LGBTQ+ closet: “open the windows and let in the fresh air.”
People’s History: Intergenerational Connection
In our People’s History of Vatican II gathering, it was wonderful to talk about our broken but beautiful Church and, simultaneously to embody community and Christ in our coming-together across generations and regions of the country.
People’s History: Reneta Webb
“I have great hope… It’s not even a century since Vatican II and we haven't even begun to squeeze the juice out of that.”
People’s History: Jim Sullivan
We can sense Jim’s story interweaving with our salvation story, this story of ongoing creation of the beloved community, of clear vision and hope—a relational story of our interconnectedness with each other and our triune God.
People’s History: Word Clouds
This week, we encourage you, our community, to reflect on the themes shared by our network of elders. In what way is the Spirit of Vatican II still speaking among us today?