Articles, essays, and reflections from progressive Catholic voices.
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Sacred Necessity
Interim Executive Director Lauren Barbato reflects on the 2022 midterm elections, violence, and abortion. She writes that it’s time for Catholics to take sacred, necessary action.
CTA Constituencies Speak Out in the Synod on Synodality
A compilation of synod reports from around the country.
Our Church is Out of Time
CTA member Joseph Ramelo on disavowing capitalism and exploitation from our way of being church.
How the Poor People’s Campaign is making ‘good trouble’
CTA member Angela Howard-McParland in U.S. Catholic: “…we have a pope who has stated clearly that a good Catholic meddles in politics.”
Surveillance, Suspicion, Criminalization: The Dangers of Post-Roe America
Lauren Barbato: "We haven’t been ushered into an era free from abortion, but an era of increasing, unrestrained suspicion, surveillance, and criminalization of pregnant people. How far will we, as Catholics, allow the pro-life movement to continue down this road?"
As Catholic bishops punish dissent, Rosemary Radford Ruether’s life and legacy show the way forward
Lauren Barbato in Religion Dispatches: “At a time when Roe will likely fall, and Catholics have substantial representation in the legislative, judicial, and executive branches, the choice to remain silent carries almost as high stakes as the choice to dissent.”
A prayer for synodality
This work is a prayer for us to experience this time as Kairos, as the opportune moment to be transformed by encounter with God.
Intergenerational and cross-class organizing
The average person from the "baby boomer" generation has over ten times the wealth of the average millennial.
Border companions prayer card
Call To Action’s Rio Grande Valley and Upstate New York Chapters invite you to use this prayer each day in solidarity with rapid response organizations.
The Easter transition
Jesus came out of the closet that was the tomb. We as trans people do the same – we affirm who we are, sometimes privately, sometimes publicly, and sometimes both, coming out of the tombs of closets, binaries, and imposed expectations.