Articles, essays, and reflections from progressive Catholic voices.
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Palm Sunday
Today, we are reminded that change happens not by a group of perfect individuals but by a community of imperfect humans who long for God.
Fifth Sunday of Lent: Millennium
Indigenous peoples will get their land back and the Doctrine of Discovery will die, and not through our leadership but with our solidarity.
Fourth Sunday of Lent: The ravages of war
We sit with tears in our eyes and become filled with anger and disbelief that these horrors continue to afflict our Ukrainian neighbors.
Third Sunday of Lent: God’s calling is now
Moses’s encounter with God and King’s testimony are not about the future but about living into justice and taking action now.
Second Sunday of Lent
In being willing to face the truth, we need to recognize that the dominant Christianity of our society has been and still is an “enemy to the cross of Christ.”
First Sunday of Lent: Race, power, and justice
O, Holy One, remind us always that we were once strangers in a strange land, dependent on the kindness and generosity of others. Protect all those who are forced to leave the land of their birth, or are forcibly removed from it by those who would take it from them.
Novena to Mary, mirror of justice: For immigration reform
We hope that by creating novenas that connect to the needs of the Church and country, prayer can be more concretely connected to peoples' lives.
Creating queer-affirming campus ministries
In all honesty, I felt safer and more cared for as a trans person in the campus ministry office than I did in our university’s LGBTQ+ union meetings. And it all started with someone taking a step to make sure I was welcomed, personally and fully.
Carbon County Catholic Worker newsletter
2021 POC Re/Generator Ericka Williams-Rodriguez is the founder of a new Catholic Worker community in Lansford, Pennsylvania.
Room at the inn: Hospitality, accountability, and LandBack
We are amidst the “Dustbowlification” of Colorado and the west from continuing to use fossil fuels.