CTA Constituencies Speak Out in the Synod on Synodality


In August, CTA asked our membership to share their reflections on the Church’s ongoing Synod on Synodality, a process that began in the worldwide church in October 2021 and will conclude in 2023. We received some wonderful reports and thoughts from parishes, CTA chapters, independent Catholic organizations, and individual members.

We have highlighted quotes from each report, but encourage you to follow the links to view these multifaceted thoughts from our membership.


“The Incarcerated and Formerly
Incarcerated Cry Out to the Church
Seeking Justice, Equality and a
Community for All.”

CTA Metro New York chapter report.

Read our article on this report.

RCWPO Living Water Inclusive Community report, Maryland.


“We believe that people who are members of the same church can and do have different understandings theologically which proceed from their life experience. These understandings are about beliefs, about spirituality, about the Divine. Our Church in the future must acknowledge the reality that the community brings different strands of wisdom to one another…”

“How church helped: Listening, inclusive, accepting, community; sense of identity; values to live by; Christ as foundation

How church hurt: Pedophilia and cover up; hierarchial control; negative approach to sexuality; money counting more than Jesus or social justice teachings; ignoring rights of baptized community

I need from church: Real support for marriages and families; acceptance of women as equals in ministry and leadership; servant leaders.”

New Orleans, LA chapter CTA synod report.

“A deep war occurred in my soul as a transgender person - related to Jacob wrestling with angel and Jesus’ suffering in the Garden. The pain and agony were breaking – ostracism, loss of job and family. There was no family support. I experienced ‘sanctuary of the outcast’ (including being outcast from Church) and it was a desert experience. However, while I did not experience toxic shame, I was humiliated. I became more vocal for support within church and society. Our church leadership is not informed. There is no encounter nor input with the trans community…”

Synod meeting report from LGBTQ+ group with CTA leader in New Orleans, LA.

The Cardinal Dearden Legacy Project report, Detroit, MI. Read more about the Dearden Legacy Project.

“In Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis applauds non-clerical movements as signs of life in the church. Our group laments the tendency of movements to lose momentum when the bishops who allowed the movements to flourish have been replaced by more authoritarian bishops. Joyce Rupp’s Boundless Compassion encourages us to be a lay movement that focuses first on our parishes by compassionately countering the silo culture and by talking about celibacy, clericalism, racism, misogyny, and the sex-abuse scandal, all while avoiding putting any one group over and against another.”

St. Matthew’s Synod Group report, Louisville, KY.

Re-Imagine Associates non-profit organization report to the Archdiocese of St. Louis and commentary on Eucharist, presence, and adoration.


“Our nonprofit organization has submitted a report to the Archdiocese of St. Louis in regards to their strategic planning initiative ('All Things New.') The report was submitted electronically to hundreds of priests, deacons, and education leaders associated with diocesan Catholic Schools. 'All Things New' is converging with the Synod and diocesan listening sessions for both renewal efforts.

The Archdiocese has called us to 'reimagine' the Catholic Church in St. Louis. They have asked, 'Are we ready for change?' Call To Action wants to inspire Catholics, Transform Church.”

-Mike Oslance, Re-Imagine Associates

“The founding members were active parishioners in a vibrant, participative, social-
justice-minded post-Vatican II parish in McAllen, Texas until a new pastor upended
and abolished that model of church in the parish. Their dismay led to the forming of this
intentional community. Over the years, the Community has lost some to death or
moving out of the area and gained some through word-of-mouth sharing with friends
and varied sorts of contacts.”

A Catholic Intentional Community.


“The participants in this sharing and listening session are members of an intentional
community that has gathered weekly for over 25 years for Sunday worship.”

Description of their community.

Response summary.

Response full text.

Community of St. Peter report, Cleveland, OH.


“Reaching potential younger members is important. They often show a deep spirituality that the Church ought to seek to understand and foster...”

“It’s time to get rid of harmful teachings on our LGBTQ+ sisters and brothers and exclusionary practices at the Eucharistic table…”

“The overwhelming problem is that the hierarchy has refused to evolve. The hierarchy is looking to the past instead of the future.”

CTA member Ed Hoeffer personal comments, Cincinnati, OH.

Diocese of San Diego, CA synodal process report.


“Those seeking greater acceptance of diversity in background and lifestyles generally pointed to the suffering and scandal that have been generated by the exclusion of particular groups in the life of the Church. The role of women was frequently discussed as an example of unchristian exclusion...”

1. Our church must rescind the Doctrine of Discovery

2. We need to open the possibility of a feminine call to the priesthood in the Catholic Church as a matter of mutual respect.

3. We must call our American bishop to devoid themselves of political involvements  and to avoid the use of the Sacraments as political weapons

CTA member Robert Weber personal comments.


Sacred Necessity


Our Church is Out of Time