
Gospel: Mt 2:1-12

Our Christmas Celebration is coming to an end. We are not like the Wise People who had great gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. We however have been gifted of Time, Talent, and Wisdom; just as the Wise People brought their gifts to Christ. May you consider sharing your gifts with Call To Action and the Liberated Church Movement. This Advent and Christmas, members from all over the Call To Action community have shared their insight and we thank each and everyone of you for your time and words. I especially  enjoyed reading the reflections.  

The Wise People completed their journey because they listened to the angels and followed a star. Their example of following a star is present in the history of Indigenous, Latinx and African American peoples. In the history of the Indigenous peoples they used the star to escape indentured camps in Colonial America. For African Americans, following the North Star and the drinking gourd (Big Dipper) lead them to Freedom. Throughout history (and perhaps even in the current day) Latinx peoples use the stars to cross the border.  Stars are quite powerful. I wonder why cities use so much artificial light? Maybe it stops us from finding a way out of the toxic communities for which the powerful have created. Let us all be like the Wise People and look up for a star that will guide us to Jesus who is our Liberation!

Black Moses is the Call to Action Executive Director. He is based in New Orleans.


Black Moses Gets the Last Word in USA Today


Memorial of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious