Three Weeks in Rome!

It has been many years since I lived permanently in Rome. But each time I return, it's always a homecoming for me.

A couple of months prior to going, I had been working to garner meetings with Cardinals and Bishops as they attended the Synod on the Family. My work seemed to pay off with over 15 Cardinals and Bishops agreeing to meet with me. What would I say?  How would I share my authentic story? All of my preparations could not have prepared me for the very candid and honest conversations we would have. I left most meetings feeling they had listened to my story and would ponder on how they could process what I had shared. I left some meetings knowing that a metanoia had happened, and those Bishops would have to re-examine their own thought process. I left one meeting in tears that would not stop flowing, not tears of anger or sadness but tears of happiness and joy. And the Cardinal, who sat with my husband and I, listened attentively and cried with us. Another Cardinal told me that "I was needed, I was loved, I was formed in the image and likeness of God."

I hope to share more of my experience at a later time when I have been able to process all that happened in the magical city of Rome. Was the Synod perfect? Not at all. Was it encouraging that these men would sit and listen to me? Most definitely! 


The Winds of Change


Kerber Family in Rome