The Winds of Change

Here in the Upper Midwest, the leaves are twisting to the earth, the trees are dancing as the strong winds swirl, ushering cooler air, and the sun is playing a convincing game of mostly hide and less seek. It is the time of transition and change. The Synod on the Family has ended and the Bishops and Cardinals have returned to their dioceses. Christa Kerber and her family have also returned from their pilgrimage to Rome. They have delivered the postcards and done what is theirs to do. While people may be vey happy with the Synod documents, some people may consider the outcome as ‘not enough’ and disappointing. Some might want to throw in the towel on the Church. Some may start to walk away from Jerusalem and back to Emmaus, like those early disciples. But the risen Christ walks with us and among us and calls us back to community. No one knows the fruit that will be born from the seed planted these last weeks.

I cannot begin to imagine how the hearts and minds of my ecclesial leaders have been or will be moved. I do know is change is constant, and the wind is blowing. I know community is where I find strength, comfort, and wisdom. I need community to grow and blossom and move beyond my personal comforts. While I have only been working for Call To Action for five months, I have found community here. Our Call To Action conference is next weekend in Milwaukee. I so look forward to being in community with all of you who will be participating. Perhaps we can be transformed into the changing winds: blowing trees and lifting hats. With the help of the Holy Spirit, may we stir up stagnant waters and breath life into our world. 


Deep Space, Deep Time, and Deep Soul (A Reflection for All Souls Day)


Three Weeks in Rome!