2018 National Conference: Keynote 2
“What Church and Political Movements Can Learn from One Another”, Heidi Schlumpf
The Women’s March, the #MeToo movement, and the Parkland students have attracted young, energetic activists in a post-Trump America. Meanwhile, church reform movements, like Call to Action, are linking younger and more seasoned reformers to continue to press for change in the church in the era of Pope Francis. What can these movements learn from one another? Ms. Schlumpf will offer some tips and hold up some role models from both “secular” and church resistance movements.
Heidi Schlumpf is a national correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter. She has three decades of experience covering religion, spirituality, social justice and women’s issues, ad is the author/editor of three books, including a biograhy of feminist theologian Elizabeth Johnson. She and her family are members of St. Gertude Parish in Chicago, IL.