Liturgy of Affirmation
On January 7, 2024, Call To Action's Alternatives Working Group hosted a Liturgy of Affirmation to celebrate how we find joy and affirmation in our communities, especially those on the edges of the Church.
DignityUSA World Youth Day Pilgrims on Queer Visibility in Catholic Circles
Traveling to World Youth Day 2023 as a member or ally of the LGBTQ+ community isn’t easy. During this joint webinar with DignityUSA, Audrey Carroll, Brian Frank, and Cait Gardiner discuss what inspires, motivates, and nourishes them on their upcoming pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal.
#tbt Catholic Feminists "Shake it off"
During the 2014 Call To Action conference in Memphis, Tennessee, a group of young Catholic feminists decided to shake it off. Check out the video below, brought to you by the young adults of CTA, WOC, Guerrilla Communion and other progressive Catholic groups and gatherings, for some serious inspiration!