
Intentional Eucharistic Communities are “small faith communities, rooted in the Catholic tradition, which gather to celebrate Eucharist on a regular basis” as stated on the Intentional Eucharistic Communities website, There is a gathering of these Intentional Eucharistic Communities in St. Paul, Minnesota, this weekend, June 26-28, 2015. The idea of sharing Eucharist in a less formal setting and being Eucharist for one another made me reflect on a couple of recent experiences.

Last weekend I attended a media training in Washington DC. I came to breakfast on the first morning and sat with people I didn’t know. After the initial polite introductions, people who knew each other talked in groups of twos and threes, leaving me to eat quietly by myself. With my head bowed and thoughts floating far away, I felt someone touch my arm. An older transgender woman who was sitting next to me started explaining what her group was discussing and pulled me into their conversation. I was struck by her genuine warmth and willingness to include to me. She gave me Eucharist.

That evening, Call To Action supporters from the DC area were invited to come to a rooftop bar and restaurant for conversation and connection. I witnessed people greet each other with joy-filled embraces. The authentic happiness they had in being together was evident. Outward differences were irrelevant; their commonality was at a heart level. I was in the presence of Eucharist. In one day Eucharist was accessed so naturally and right in front of my eyes. How many times do I not notice it? How many times am I offered the bread of life and turn away?


Of Sisters and Superheroes


Brother Cicada