Brother Cicada


In my youthful days, if I was not spending time at the beach during a month long summer vacation, I was usually outside venturing in the woods.  Even though I was born in the boom of Nintendo and other TV games, my parents had forbidden me from having such toys or any toys for that matter. So my playmates were automatically selected to those out in nature, where numerous spiritual brothers & sisters reside.


Brother Cicada

The elder of the insect world

Birthed inside the dried twig

Summer heat gave embracing hugs

Fallen leaves prepared special tree saps

White blanket covered to keep warmth

Butterflies flapped anxiously for you to join the world

And in the rainy season you decided to venture out

The shell that kept you safe became too small

With a raindrop, you dove into the earth

There you suckled on the root saps

Prepared over countless cycles of four seasons

The soil was warm and soft like fleece

Protecting you from predators’ eyes

As you nourished on the tree saps

You were learning the trees

Learning the soils

Learning fallen leaves

Cold white blanket of snow

Melting away to make a river flow

Many seasons had passed

As you shed away the clothing that got small

And little by little

You started to dig closer to the surface

One day at a time

One dig at a time

One peek at a time

It is brighter out there

Than the soil you where lived for so long

On one early morning

Still dark outside

You came out of the ground

That hosted you as your house

And you climb up the tree

Searching to perch

Perching place to shed away the skin

As the Sun starts to rise

You are ready

The exoskeleton that was too tight

Becomes the thing of the past

As the birds start to sing

You stretch your newly attained wings

With enhanced eyes that reflect the Sun

You joyfully take the first flight

My brother Cicada

In past I wondered

If you ever wanted to go back

Go back into nymph shell

Back to safe underground

It was foolish of me

After listening to your rejoicing songs

I know you don’t ever wish that

You have grown

You have gained wider perspectives

As you matured

You are now a master of sky


Cicadas symbolize summertime in Japan. Lots of songs, poems, haikus have been dedicated to them from ancient times. Cicadas are one of the insects with the longest life expectancy. Their eggs take as long as10 months to hatch. But their life expectancy wasn’t known until much later because they spent so much of their time underground as nymphs and it was very difficult to raise them by human hands after they became adult cicadas. Cicada’s nymph has degenerated eyes, since they don’t have to use their eyesight living underground. As cicadas molt their exoskeleton to become grown adult cicada, they gain fully developed compound eyes.

Brother Cicada sings from top of his “wings”, quite deafening in Japan. But who could blame his joyous singing, when we realize that he has gained complex eyesight!

Brother Cicada taught to me to shed: shed my old perspectives, be open to newer understandings, unfamiliar concepts, and growth.




Every Life Matters