We are all called to use our talents for the betterment of the world, no matter what our talents may be. Paul McComas & Maya Kuper have done just that with gift of musical ability. McComas and Kuper will be performing at the Call To Action conference on November 7. They will present their critically acclaimed dramatic/musical performance which focuses on transformation: "UNPLUGGED: Scenes & Songs to Combat Rape and Depression."
Call To Action is trying something a little different this year by offering this unique performance. It alternates scenes from McComas' powerful novel (Unplugged) with songs written by McComas and Kuper that touch the heart and engage the mind. The protagonist of the book, played by Kuper, is a bisexual rock musician and rape survivor. The show grapples with issues of rape and recovery, depression, post-traumatic stress, and identity formation -- spiritual, sexual and otherwise. The music is written for specifically this rock-opera and encompasses a range of genres. Accompanied by a Chicago-based band, Kuper is the lead vocalist and plays percussion while McComas does backup vocals, plays the electric bass and acoustic guitar. Following the performance, there will be a half-hour session where McCormas and Kuper along with a rape crisis counselor and mental-health professional will be available for questions and conversation. McComas and Kuper will be available for book signing.
All profits from the sale of the novel and CD will help to support the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. Come to the Call To Action Conference and experience the intersection of art and justice. http://cta-usa.org/conference2015/