Lent 2015: Journeying & Journaling with Joan Chittister, OSB

Join Call To Action this Lent in using Joan Chittister's new Lenten resource: 40 Soul-Stretching Conversations: Writing a Spiritual Journal with Joan Chittister. Purchase the book (at a discount for Call To Action members and supporters!) and use it to reflect and journal this Lent.30% off - only $4.95 per copy! Use coupon code CTA2015

Website to order: http://www.benetvision.org/

In addition, join this online community to follow along, check-in and share your experiences - and to be inspired and challenged by others and their Lenten journey! Order the journaling resource SOON so you can participate when Lent begins on February 18th. Let's grow TOGETHER this Lent!


Call To Action Team Expanding


Local groups prepare for International Women's Day