Exploring Anti-Racism in Chicago

Last week, two members of the Anti-Racism Team represented CTA at the Crossroads Anti Racism Leadership Development Institute held in Chicago. The three day conference attracts leaders from around the country who work to dismantle racist structures within their own organizations. Alta and Ellen were excited to meet others who are immersed in this work and learn about new training and analysis tools to back to CTA.  

The workshops this year focus on the harm caused by the "Black/White binary" that is so prevalent in the US understanding of race and racism.In addition to hearing from experts on antiracist theory and analysis, Ellen and Alta attended practical workshops that addressed questions like "After hosting a training, what comes next?" and "How can my organization's governance structures become anti-racist?"  These topics challenged us to explore areas we aren't used to, and think about the practical work of breaking down the ingrained structures of White supremacy in our world.

You can read more about anti-racism and the dangers of the Black/White binary on the Crossroads blog and learn more about anti-racism organizing with workshops at Conference this November! 


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