On Pilgrimage

I find ‘pilgrimage’ to be such an interesting concept. In one sense, it defies logic. Why do I need to leave the comforts of my life for God? Why do I have to go some place special? Isn’t God everywhere? As I wrestle with these questions, I am still not sure why pilgrimage works, but it does. Maybe it is like stirring a pot of soup. I can become still and stagnant in the comfortable routines of my life. Insulated and isolated, in my own predictable orbit. ‘Being stirred’ forces me to share my essence with those around me. Getting mixed with others offers me the opportunity to be changed by them.

Really, I think pilgrimage is about change. When I go on a pilgrimage, I cannot help but be changed as I move toward something bigger than myself. That is certainly a game-changer.This might seem scary or intimidating but the good news is that being on pilgrimage indicates that I am with others on this sacred journey. I am not going alone. And the fact that I have companions emboldens my fortitude, enabling me to push beyond my comfort.

Today 12 families are embarking on a pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families to talk to people and remind them that families come in all kinds of configurations. That LBGT people have loving relationships that are blessed by God. It seems so obvious, which is precisely why it needs to be spoken. There might be challenges along the way, but they are not alone. Yes, the pilgrims have each other and their families – but they also have us: a broader community of people who can offer love and support from a distance.

Let us all pray for the pilgrims this week. Pray for the all the people they will talk to and meet. Pray that they may be changed in beautiful and growthful ways. And pray that we may changed, too, as we all walk toward God, on pilgrimage.


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