Many thanks to Philly

Having returned from Philadelphia where the World Meeting of the Family and Pope Francis’ visit just concluded, there is much for me to reflect on. Some things didn’t go as planned. But a consistent theme kept popping up: it is all about relationships. I had many conversations over the course of the weekend. Some with people I knew, others with strangers. All were significant somehow, and therefore, I would to express my gratitude.

To the strangers I randomly started conversation with: Jean and Marisa, a beautiful inter-racial lesbian couple from Minneapolis who are faithful Catholics; Nancy, a single woman from downtown Chicago who is heavily involved in Opus Dei; Ellie, a lovely young woman who happens to be homeless and is working hard to live inside before winter arrives; Colleen from Philly who walked out of church as an angry priest yelled at her, never to return; Mary from Ohio who loves Jesus, the Blessed Mother, and her family; William from Texas and Tom from Kentucky who I stood next to as we waited for Pope Francis to drive by, both with sincere hearts; and Dolores, the Uber driver who took me to the airport on Sunday and talked about the power of love. Thank you for listening to me about Call To Action, the Equally Blessed coalition, and the importance of LBGT inclusion in the Catholic Church. Whether you were comfortable with the subject matter or not, you were respectful and reflective in your responses. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.

To the Call To Action supporters who stopped by: Melissa and Teree, Sara and Natalie, Monica and Christa. I appreciate spending time with you and look forward to seeing you at conference.To the World Meeting of Families pilgrims, thank you for bringing me into your circle and walked many blocks by my side. Jesus promises us that we will never be alone. I certainly felt that in Philly. Thank you.


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