Lent’s 4th week, reflection

“People who live by the truth come out into the light, so that it may be plainly seen that what they do is done in God.” -John 3:21

I hope that this reflection serves as an exception to act and move us past our limitations with this Lenten purpose which calls us to deeper prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

I ask you to reflect and call upon Christ’s assistance to 1) cover us in stillness, 2) allow ourselves to come full face to discover a deeper Christian awareness of our Inner Core for Stillness to work towards “Racial Harmony” and prayerfully, as we sit with our hearts wide open to His collective will, direction and cooperation to hear His reflective voice. May we follow His will.

A Prayer of Deliverance to All of God’s Children
May we truly revere, O merciful God, these holy gifts by which you ceaselessly nourish us, and may we always partake of them with abundant faith in our heart.  Through Christ our Lord, Amen

God never grows weary - “Oh Sons and Daughters of Zion” to love us and forgive us of our sins. We 'inch along,' in the words of Negro Spirituals.  We inch along, inch by inch, sinning and repenting. Christ forgives us, and he rejoices in our repentance.  He never tires of us his beloved children.

Therefore, we sing and pray, pray and sing praise songs. We, as “Children of Zion” (Sons and Daughters) must avail ourselves of his sweet embrace and take His almighty hand.  We climb “Jacob’s Ladder” - every round goes higher and higher.  We sing and pray and strengthen our soul force in Christ.

We ask for God to secure our feet on each ring of the ladder’s steps and I offer alms to Second Harvest.

We fall down on our knees, asking for Christ’s forgiveness.  We, kneel to God, we plead, we cajole, and we sing out loud; “Lord, I want to be a Christian, Inner My Heart, Lord I want to be more Holy, Inner my Heart, more Loving, Inner My Heart." 

Then, Mercy Be: Christ offers us grace and holds out his heart and his hands and says, “Come my child”, and he bends down and washes our feet and places upon them, “Golden Slippers and puts me, a poor sinful soul into a long White Robe” as “pure” as Ivory and assigns me a name of BELOVED or SON and calls my name!

Christ Gathers Me
He calls me forth into “The Eternal Realm of Love,” He opens my Christian pores and liberates my soul and He commands his “Holy Spirit to descend upon me.”

I shout out, “Lord you Shore Been Good to Me,” you freed my body and my soul and blessed me a poor sinner. O Lord you blessed me!  You lifted my spirit and let my soul become a “True Omega Force for Divine Mercy and Grace and you lifted me into your goodness and light! Thank You, because you “Done Called My Name.” 

The Lord holds out his hand and says, “sit here my child, have a seat at 'The Welcome Table.'”  And the words of another Negro Spiritual ring out! “We’re gonna sit at the Welcome Table, one of these days.

Only peace, only love, only joy around that table one of these days.

We grow stronger and our prayers become more direct and laced with frequent prayers; It allows us in the words of Saint Faustina to “Trust God”. God “Thanks Us” for our prayers and praise songs.  It reminds us where the Lord says, “Grace” and “Welcome” and he sets a place for us at “The Welcome Table!”“The Light shown all Around at “The Welcome Table!”

Listen to your inner core
to speak from a spirit center
and to write from your spirit
for; it is the force that will
 truly set you on the “Freedom Road” to spiritual joy!

Questions for Discussion:
1. How can I find the stillness to hear the wisdom of God?
2.  When have I seen the light of the Welcome Table?

Brenda’s request for almsgiving is to Second Harvest.  Or consider supporting a local food bank in your area.

Read the rest of our Lenten Reflections here.


Lent’s 5th week, reflection


Lent’s 3rd week, reflection