Inspiring Catholics: Megan Graves


Megan is a senior at Dominican University in River Forest, IL where she is finishing her studies in black world studies, pastoral ministry, theology, and the study of women and gender.

Megan is highly involved on campus as a resident assistant, peer advisor, liturgy choir member, and is involved in many other service organizations.

When it comes to her Catholic faith, Megan never loses an opportunity to educate about and stand up for social justice causes. She is a Sinsinawa Dominican Associate, was a 2013 World Youth Day pilgrim on the Equally Blessed trip, and was most recently elected to Call To Action’s young adult 20/30 leadership team. In speaking about this opportunity she says:

“It is an honor to be serving with such and amazing and diverse group this year. I am looking forward to being more re-involved with my church community outside of my University. I also feel so empowered by this group of young adults who are simply living out the Gospel, even as we challenge the institutions that taught us this Gospel of justice, love, and inclusivity.”

Thank you, Megan, for making our church a more just place!


Inspiring Catholics: Nita & Steve Powers


Fourth Week of Advent