Advent 3: God's Spirit Upon Us

Read this week's lectionary passages here.

"God has sent me to bring good news to those who are poor, to heal the broken hearts, to proclaim release to those held captive and liberation to those in prison… to comfort all who mourn." (Isaiah 61:1-2)

As a brown and immigrant person these times are very troubling to me. To see the anger, the fear of people who desperately blame others for whatever troubles they have in their lives, and having a leader who incites these feelings and asks them to act on it. Yet I find comfort in this reading from Isaiah where God reminds me that I possess the spirit of courage, compassion and justice. I must use it to comfort my fears, as well as the fears of the immigrants that I work with and recommit myself to continue working for the kindom.

God is counting on us to be that voice in this reading from Isaiah. The spirit of the Lord is upon me, all who are baptized and anointed with the Spirit. And She is calling us to bring good news to our world, our nation and our community.  To comfort and help the victims of the hurricanes, the earthquakes, mass shootings, the extremism in Charlottesville, and the DACAs.

God is the one desperately calling on us, sending us to bind broken hearts, to proclaim liberty to captives of their own fear of the other. Those who find comfort in feeling superior to others and who are blind to their own privilege and refuse to have conversations on race and white superiority.

On the 3rd Sunday of Advent we look at our nation in a desperate need of a light. As we are approaching the birth of Christ, the light of the world, we wonder how we can make this season different. Let’s continue to pray and speak out for our world. Call our leaders to think of peace before war and put the safety and welfare of families before politics. We must continue to speak up on bringing good news to all who suffer. I invite you to take the spirit of the Lord and run with it and be a light in these dark times.God is counting on us.

How can I make a difference? How can I give birth to that light of Christ?

Action: Take steps to help Dreamers. Contact your representatives to create clean legislation to keep DACA recipients from deportation. Stay up to date on the latest developments, follow groups such as United We Dream.

Read the rest of CTA’s Awaiting the Birth of Justice Advent reflections. A new reflection will be posted each week of Advent.


Advent 4: Do Not Be Afraid


Advent 2: Becoming Fully Human