First Thursday of Advent

Gospel: Mt 7:21, 24-27

“Children, don’t get weary until your work is done. Keep your lamps trimmed and burning.” 

These words are taken from a traditional gospel blues song that warns of the end times but preaches the truth about faith without work. It’s dead. But, what does it mean to keep your lamps trimmed? When oil was burnt to keep lamps lit, they needed constant care. This care involved drawing oil up from storage, trimming the wick, and ensuring that the flame was clean and bright. One should not be idle to the scriptures. It is useless to build your house upon the sand, not self-reflect on the scriptures, or see your Christian obligation fulfilled through monotoned Sunday prayer. In many ways, building our house upon the rock goes behind that. We must be vigilant and aware of the needs of those around us. We can’t be bystanders to the burning flame. We, for the good of our siblings, must keep the wick trimmed and the oil burning. We are called to act upon the radical teachings of Christ in this way.

Years after the birth of Jesus, it’s possible that we have forgotten of his second return. Advent isn’t just about getting ready for Christmas and the birth of our savior. It is about getting ready for the second coming. The time is drawing nigh and it’s time we start to act like it. Fortunately, we’ve received guidelines through the Gospels. Unfortunately, over the thousands of years since his death, things have become institutionalized. People have been put in charge and arbitrary rules have been created that overlook the most important teaching we were given, to love each other as he loved us. We can’t literally heal the blind or raise the dead but metaphorically, we must work to have those who are blindly influenced by peers, money, and power to see what it really means to be Christian. They must come to recognize us by our love and not the trauma that caused the lamps of the church to burn out. We must light the flame and work to keep it lit on behalf of everyone and on behalf of the second coming of the Messiah. Let the house not be completely ruined by the sand of others as we strive to act as the firm foundation of the Golden Rule.

Angelica Rendeck is a 2024 Re/Gen cohort member.


First Friday of Advent


First Wednesday of Advent