First Friday of Advent
Gospel: Mt 9:27-31
Advent is a season steeped in hope, a time when we anticipate the “birthing of light from the womb of darkness.” This powerful imagery speaks not only to the coming of Jesus but also to the possibilities within our Church, a Church that could shine even brighter by embracing the contributions and leadership of women. Inspired by the readings from Friday of the first week of Advent, we can reflect on the importance of seeing, hearing and courageously responding to the “signs of our times.”
In Matthew 9:27-31, Jesus grants sight to the blind, illustrating the transformative power of truly “seeing.” In our time, this invites us to ask, what are we called to see and acknowledge in our Church today? Blindness to the “signs of the times” can hold the Church back from growth. Many feel that one of these signs is the need for greater inclusion of women in roles of ministry and leadership.
Psalm 27:1 declares, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” God is with us as we courageously explore new paths. Advent’s birthing of the Light of the world challenges us to an awareness that, with God’s help, we can overcome the fear that often holds us back from embracing change.
Reflecting on this awareness, it becomes evident that women’s perspectives and experiences enrich the Church’s mission. Women’s voices bring courage, compassion, insight, and resilience. Including women more fully in leadership roles means letting the light of their unique gifts illuminate the Church, guiding it toward a fuller expression of God’s kingdom on earth.
Just as Jesus opened the eyes of the blind, the Church is called to open its eyes to the signs of our times. God’s Spirit, moving in our world, is calling for greater justice and inclusivity. By acknowledging the contributions of women and integrating them into all levels of ministry, the Church can respond to this Advent invitation of birthing renewal and growth. This requires courage and the willingness to let go of traditions that may no longer serve the mission of Jesus in today’s world.
Advent invites us to wait with courage for the Lord’s coming. As Psalm 27:14 encourages. “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage.” We wait in hope, trusting that God, the true light and source of salvation, will guide us. With eyes open to new possibilities, we can allow God to birth the light of new realities within the Church, ones that reflect the gifts AND Baptismal call of both women and men created in God’s image.
Rosheen Glennon, csj is a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet