2nd Sunday of Advent

2nd Sunday of Advent

December 7, 2014

John the Baptist as a woman in a red dress 

Today we’re happy to bring you a reflection from our friend Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of our Equally Blessed partner New Ways Ministry, click here to read the whole thing on the New Ways Ministry blog.

The 2nd Sunday of Advent’s readings from Isaiah and the beginning of Mark’s gospel both call to mind John the Baptist, a central figure during this season of waiting and preparation for the coming of Christ. I have often thought that John the Baptist is a strange figure. He roams around the Judean countryside, wearing a leather belt and camel’s hair clothing, eating locusts and wild honey. I think that he must have seemed a little weird to the people of his day too. This peculiar figure had a message to preach, something the Judeans needed to hear.

I think of some of the odd people I know or meet. They seem strange to me because they don’t dress as I do, or think as I do, or respond as I do, but I feel sure they have a message I need to hear, just like I need to hear John the Baptist’s message. I believe God has inserted them into my life for a good reason. This Advent I resolved to look again at people I may label strange and to ask myself “How are they ‘John the Baptist’ for me? What message or lesson do they have for me?”

…….Read the rest…..


3rd Sunday of Advent


Inspiring Catholics: Bob Heineman