20/30 invites you to the young adult faith-sharing retreat
This summer, CTA 20/30 is hosting a retreat for people in their 20s and 30s. The workshop/retreat will equip participants with skills to start or re-energize small faith-sharing groups in their communities. The weekend will offer skill-building in how to start and lead informal faith-sharing groups, and will also simply offer an opportunity for spiritual reflection and community-building with other young progressive Catholics. Click the flyer to enlarge or check out the details below.
WHEN: July 11-13, 2014. We will begin at 6 pm on Friday, and finish with lunch on Sunday.
WHERE: The Walker Center for Ecumenical Exchange www.walkerctr.org at 144 Hancock Street, Auburndale, MA, ΒΌ mile from a T station [Boston public transit]. Wheelchair accessible.
COST: The cost of this retreat is $25-50, sliding scale. This includes room and board at the Walker Center for all meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch β except for Saturday dinner, when we plan to go out to eat. CTA 20/30 is grateful to have received assistance from CTA for the cost of this retreat. If you are able to make a higher contribution, we welcome it.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Travel assistance money is available for young adults who would like to attend but cannot afford to get to Boston. To apply for travel assistance, simply register as usual [see below], but include a paragraph answering the following questions: why do you want to attend this faith-sharing retreat? How do you plan to take the learnings back with you to your home community?
REGISTRATION: To register, email Kristen Schenk to reserve your place. Please include your name, address and phone number. If you will be seeking travel assistance, please include answers to the questions above.
QUESTIONS? Not sure if this retreat is right for you? Just email Kristen for more information