Webinar: Spirituality of Social Justice
Jim Wallis, well-known justice advocate and author, has stated that the two great hungers in the world today are for spirituality and social justice. The spirituality of social justice leads us to look at ourselves and the role we are called to as agents of social change. In this webinar, we will explore how the same spirituality that leads one to see a need to address larger societal issues of social justice would also be the foundation to raise issues of injustice within the Church.
Kimberly Lymore, DMin is the Associate Minister at the Faith Community of St. Sabina in Chicago, IL, which is known for its dynamic worship and social activism, under the leadership of Rev. Michael L. Pfleger. Kimberly has facilitated many workshops, classes and retreats in her 15-year ministerial career including classes on Social Justice at Xavier University, in New Orleans, LA. Most recently she became an adjunct instructor teaching Social Justice at Calumet College of St. Joseph, in Whiting, IN. In 2003, Kimberly received her Master in Divinity with a concentration in Word and Worship from Catholic Theological Union. In May of 2009 she received her Doctor of Ministry from McCormick Theological Union. Kimberly also has an article in the publication, Emerging from the Vineyard: Essays by Lay Ecclesial Ministers.