CTA staff visit urban ministry conference

Last week, Bonnie and Ellen spent the day meeting great social justice minded folks from around the country at the Urban Ministry Congress hosted by the Seminary Consortium on Urban Ministry Education and Interfaith Worker Justice. At a booth full of colorful materials about Call To Action, our programs and the upcoming Conference, Ellen and Bonnie greeted interested ministers from many denominations and religions and even met a few CTA members who told us they're excited for Memphis!

Sr. Simone Campbell was a keynote speaker at the Conference, which focused this year on the theme "Together Building a Just Economy."  Interfaith Worker Justice and several other groups at the Conference have attended and led workshops at the CTA Annual Conference in the past. It was inspiring to meet so many passionate social justice minded ministers and to see the faces of old friends and allies  excited about justice and inclusive, culturally diverse ministry. We always love the chance to introduce CTA to new people and learn more about the great things happening in our Church!


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