Scouting Discrimination

 At the risk of sounding like a total nerd, I was a Girl Scout through my junior year of high school. I went to Girl Scout camp and when I was old enough I became a camp counselor. I sold hundreds of boxes of cookies each year and had the opportunity to go to Maine one summer. I proudly wore my vest filled with badges, earning the Gold Leadership award.

But what I really remember from my Girl Scout days was my troop leader. She was a woman in her 30s. She was single, never married, and didn’t have children. Was she a lesbian? I don’t know, and it really doesn’t matter. What I know is that she was kind and funny, gently nudging us girls toward maturity and growth. I am sure she was a big reason a remained a Girl Scout as long as I did.

On July 27, 2015, the Boy Scouts of America finally lifted a ban on gay troop leaders. Something that was long overdue. But the decision had a provision allowing religious organizations that sponsor a troop to still discriminate against gay, lesbian, and bisexual adults. Greg Bourke, a gay Scout leader from Kentucky, just launched a campaign to address this injustice. While Greg's parish welcomed him as a Scoutmaster, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz decided parishes in the Louisville Diocese would not be allowed to incorporate LBGT adults into Scout troops. Greg has started a petition, asking his Archbishop to reverse his decision. Follow the link to read more about Greg and sign your name.

All people have gifts. Those that are gifted with the ability to work with children and teenagers, offering their time and attention, ought to be able to do so. An individual’s sexual orientation is irrelevant. Whether or not my Scout leader was gay is irrelevant. She positively affected the shape of my life, and I continue to hold much gratitude for all she did for me. 


STATEMENT: Call To Action Denounces Attack on Roman Catholic Womanpriest


Their son, Justice.