Dive into the Mystics During this Lenten Retreat
Join us this Lenten season for a two-day virtual retreat.
2023 Lenten Retreat Details
When: Saturday, March 4 |Sunday, March 5
Time: 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. CT (Mar 4th) | 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. CT (Mar 5th)
Registration: $20 donation*
To optimize connection and sacred intimacy, registration is limited to 30 people.
*Financial aid is available by request. Please email Revalon (revalon@cta-usa.org) for more information.
Father Jerry Maynard (he/they), a.k.a. “The People's Priest,” a friend of CTA and a queer Latino/Native leader, will facilitate this Lenten virtual retreat: “Diving into the Depths with the Mystics.”
Over the course of two days, Father Jerry will lead retreatants in exploring several Christian Mystics, including Hildegard of Bingen, Howard Thurman, Julian of Norwich, and Meister Eckhart. Retreatants will reflect on these mystics' personal and collective transformations and learn how to utilize this unique wisdom in their own Lenten journeys. Retreatants will root themselves in prayer, reflection, dialogue, and sacred practice. The retreat concludes with a virtual Eucharist for the Second Sunday of Lent.
This is a sacred and safe space. Here, you will fellowship with others who are earnestly seeking transformative medicine.
We invite you to bring the following: For our virtual Mass, you may bring bread and wine to fully participate in our Eucharistic feast. You may also bring any resources, such as a candle or a prayer book, to assist you in prayer and reflection.
More about Father Jerry…
As a Two-Spirit Person (Xochihua), Father Jerry strives to offer healing medicine at the intersections of church & society through protest, praise, and community organizing in Houston, TX. Father Jerry holds a Master’s Degree in Contextual Ministry from Northwind Theological Seminary with a concentration in Postmodern Ministry & Leadership with professional certifications as a Master Coach & Master Trainer. A leader in a variety of social movements, Father Jerry provides leadership through the facilitation of trainings in the spirituality & praxis of nonviolence, as well as providing public faith witness on foreign and domestic issues.
Currently, Father Jerry is under the Episcopal Jurisdiction of The Most Rev. David Strong, Presiding Bishop of the Apostolic Catholic Church in America, and is a member of the Society of the Incarnation (Incarnationists), an Independent & Progressive ecumenical religious community with a focus on establishing faith communities through teaching, technology, and theology.
To learn more about Father Jerry, visit his website.