Join us to talk about Trans* issues in our Church

DignityUSA's Queer Catholic Fourm webinars are a great opportunity to explore the issues of LGBT inclusion in our Church today.  On Tuesday, March 18, QCF will host Mateo Williamson. Mateo is a co-chair of Dignity's Transgender Caucus and a young scientist who found his way back to Catholicism since his transition to becoming a transgender man. Register here today to join the conversation!

According to the invitation, "Mateo attends the Catholic Newman Center at his university, where he is an altar server and part of the Campus Ministry Leadership Team. He dialogues with clergy and members of the Catholic hierarchy to advocate for the safety and respect of LGBT people in Catholic spaces, and was awarded support from the Davis-Putter Foundation and the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists for his efforts to create awareness about spiritual abuse. He currently serves as co-chair of DignityUSA's Transgender Caucus. He identifies as a transgender male with a heart for social justice, with particular interest in migrant rights and LGBT youth advocacy. He finds inspiration in the initiative and history of DignityUSA, and as a scientist he affirms that gender and sexual variance represents the wonder of God’s intricate and beautiful creation."

And don't forget, Call To Action has a webinar coming up too!  We'll be discussing the Vatican survey and the Catholic response this Sunday, check out more information here.  


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