Dimensions and Dynamics of Church Reform
This 6 week mini-course will provide participants an overview of the main themes and considerations involved in church reform today. It will include treatment of the historical, biblical/scriptural, theological/ethical, ecclesial, and spiritual/pastoral dimensions of church justice. In addition to theoretical constructs, the course will involve practical community organizing theory, resources, and tools. The course will convene each week on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30pm central for a live, online hour and a half session using webinar technology. Weekly facilitators will spend time giving an overview of that week’s topic, facilitate discussion, and review resources available to participants.
Click here to download the course syllabus
$49.99 course fee
Week 1 - February 9, 2016 | Welcome & overview, Reform Throughout the Ages | Aaron Bianco, STD
Week 2 - February 16 | Jesus the Reformer | Emily Dykman, DMin
Week 3 - February 23 | To Reform or Not to Reform: Ethics & Theology | MT Davila, PhD
Week 4 - March 1 | BREAK
Week 5 - March 8 | Called to be Church: Called to Reform | Robert Ludwig, PhD
Week 6 - March 15 | Spirituality of Reform | Kimberly Lymore, DMin
Week 7 - March 22, 2016 | Organizing for Justice, Wrap-up | Melissa Browning, PhD