Catholics prepare for Pope's first US visit

Save the Date! On September 27, Pope Francis will celebrate Mass as part of the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Call To Action members, like millions across the continent, are getting ready to be there to experience this worldwide Church of ours. Hotels are already filling up and homestays being arranged so now is the time to make arrangements! Progressive and reform groups are planning gatherings and speaking events during the week and we know there will be many who will make this a true celebration of ALL families.

The World Meeting of Families is a week-long "celebration of family" organized by the Vatican, similar to World Youth Day in many ways. The Archbishop of Philadelphia has said hosting that many Catholics will be an opportunity for the whole diocese to help out, setting a goal of recruiting 10,000 volunteers for homestays, hospitality and events.

The Equally Blessed Coalition will be sponsoring a group of LGBT families to attend the full week-long event and witness to the fact that LGBT catholics and their family members are an integral and beautiful part of our worldwide Church. Take a minute to learn about the individual pilgrims and support them with your time and talent.Pope Francis will arrive in the US earlier in the week to visit the United Nations, the White House, the U.S. Congress and other leaders. His entire schedule has not been published but it is assumed that there might be public events in D.C and NYC in addition to the Mass in Philadelphia. Be sure to let us know if you'll be there and stay tuned to connect with other progressives to greet the Pope and celebrate our diversity as Catholics.


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