Catholic Schools Week

This Catholic Schools Week, we celebrate the teachers and administrators who work hard every day to create a community that nurtures and educates our children. As proud Catholics, Call To Action members are committed to making sure our schools are safe spaces. In 2014, we heard too many heartbreaking stories of LGBT teachers fired and of LGBTQ students who've committed suicide. This cannot continue.

The leaders of our Catholic Schools love their schools and their students but we know they are often put in a tight spot when a local Catholic "reports" an LGBT teacher to the Bishop. Our school leaders need to know we, as alumni, parents and community members, stand with them against discrimination.

Take Action

This week, we urge you to reach out to your school--your alma mater, your grandchild's high school, your parish primary school-- any Catholic School you are connected with. Let the principal and the board members know that you appreciate the work they do and give them the support they need to stand up against discrimination.We've provided two sample letters below to get you started; let us know who you're reached out to by emailing us or leaving a note on our Facebook page. You can also share our graphics on social media, tag your school and let your friends know, you're working to create safe spaces for students and teachers!

Teachers deserve a healthy workplace, not one that pushes them into the closet. Our kids deserve teachers who are judged on their ability to teach, not their marital status.Our LGBT and questioning kids deserve to know their school is not one that discriminates. Our principals deserve the right to hire teachers without fear that a diocesan official will override their decision.

Sample letter from an alumni   

Sample letter from a parent

Captura de pantalla 2021-02-02 a las 6.12.51 p.m..png
Captura de pantalla 2021-02-02 a las 6.12.37 p.m..png

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