Building Eucharistic community in NY
Guerrilla Communion is coming to NYC! Progressive young adult Catholics are taking inspiration from DC's Guerrilla Communion group and starting their own radical communion in their city.
The group, like small faith groups and house churches across the country, began with conversations between people looking for community. Many had met through organizations like CTA, Dignity or volunteer corps programs and the idea of an informal gathering of social justice types seemed like just what they were looking for. A few individuals had visited the DC gathering or and heard about it at the CTA conference, so an invitation went out -- by word of mouth, social networks and listservs like our 20/30 email group -- to anyone interested in planning a NYC Guerrilla Communion. "All are welcome in this place - including progressive Catholics, feminist Catholics, queer and LGBT Catholics, questioning/ critical/ roamin' Catholics, content and joyful Catholics, former Catholics, allies, groupies, lovers and friends," says the invite, which also invites attendees to bring a vegetarian dish to share.
If you are a young adult in NYC, check out the Facebook event page for this Saturday's potluck. If you don't live in NYC, but like the idea, check out Kate and Katie's "how to" guide on the 20/30 blog and start something in your city!