20/30s reflect on Lent
If you haven't been following along with the Lenten series on the 20/30 Blog, this Good Friday might be a good time for their prayerful reflections. Lucy's words from last week seem particularly apt for a Good Friday re-reading:
"Control is a fast disappearing concept in my life. Aloneness is a growing one. I think back to Jesus praying in the Garden of Gesthemane. Sometimes, as with Jesus’ friends falling asleep at his darkest hour, the comfort I desire is just not there. […] I’m allowing myself to be in the loneliness: to fully experience all these non literal deaths. In the Garden, Jesus models a willingness to accept and fully experience his own death when he pleads, in essence, 'Spare me from this horrible suffering, God…but if not…here we go.'“
Earlier posts in the series focused on Lenten practices. Francis reflected, "Honestly, I believe that mindfulness is at the core of Lent. To help us be mindful, we are given various shocks to the norm that 'force us awake.'" And Allison said, "Lent is a time of saying yes in a new way: yes to being who we are intended to be and called to be."
The series is full of many more wonderful reflections, honest and wisdom filled, which remind us we're all in this journey together. I urge you to read them all this Holy Week and do some reflecting on the coming year.