Sarah Augustine on Repair & Reconciliation for Indigenous Communities
Call To Action’s Indigenous Solidarity Collective sponsored this event with author, legal advocate, and activist Sarah Augustine. CTA’s Indigenous Solidarity Collective addresses the Catholic Church's historical and current role in colonialization. Recent projects include the 2023 Lent calendar and petitioning President Biden to release Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier.
Screenshot of Sarah Augustine during the May 9 webinar.
On May 9, Call To Action hosted Sarah Augustine, executive director of the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery and author of The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery.
Augustine, who is of Pueblo descent, discussed the work of her coalition, her journeys in legal advocacy and community organizing, and ways the CTA community can organize, strategize, and participate in the dismantling of settler colonialism. Augustine and others on the call, including representatives from Nuns & Nones, also discussed ongoing land-back and Indigenous-led initiatives.
A recording of Augustine’s presentation and discussion is available below.