REC - Rolheiser's Moral Loneliness

In a session I attended at the religious education conference in Los Angeles, Ronald Rolheiser talked about moral loneliness. He started by acknowledging the center of every human experience is deep aching. "We are lonely people who occasionally find intimacy." We try to solve it through faith, family, and friends but something is always missing.

Rolheiser explained this loneliness as being planted in our hearts before we were born. We come from knowing a God who is perfect beauty, goodness, truth, and love.  We know this complete wholeness before we were born. Unconsciously, we compare all human experiences to this union of the divine. Naturally, they all fall short. We feel like it is not quite enough, but we don't know exactly why.

Moral loneliness comes from the core of our hearts that we hold sacred. It is the temple of the Holy. While we protect it, we also deeply yearn to share that piece of yourselves and be known on that level. Finding a soulmate is connecting with a person who can meet you there. It is the Holy Spirit who guides us in this life, who brings us those with whom we can have a soul connection, it eases our loneliness until we once again stand in the perfect love of God.


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