Prayers of God's People for the Feast of Blessed Mary

Prayers of God's People for the Feast of Blessed Mary

Holy God, through Mary you show your people that you do wonderful things through human beings. With trusting hearts we call to you in our need.

As Jesus’s mother, Mary showed us the extent of human love, parental nurturing and selfless service. May all people learn to embrace one another in love, compassion and service.

Wondrous God, hear us. Hear our prayer, O God of Mary.

As Jesus’s disciple, Mary followed her son and his teachings of Grace and mercy. May those in positions of spiritual leadership and political power learn from her humble yet strong example of discipleship.

Wondrous God, hear us. Hear our prayer, O God of Mary.

As your servant, Mary listened. May we be open to your plans for us with a listening heart and respond with a generous spirit. Your calling for Mary was profound; your calling for each one of us is profound. Help us to understand; help us to act; help us to say, "Yes!".

Wondrous God, hear us. Hear our prayer, O God of Mary.

Mary was aware of Jesus’s needs. Let us hear and address the cries of help from those in our community who are weak and lost.

Wondrous God, hear us. Hear our prayer, O God of Mary.

Mary now rejoices in your unending love. We remember and pray for all who are now rejoicing in eternal life with you. We remember those especially on our hearts and minds, at this time… (Pause)

Wondrous God, hear us. Hear our prayer, O God of Mary.

As a loving mother, Mary listened for the cries of her child. God listens for the cries of all humankind. I invite your prayers and requests, aloud or silent… (Pause)

God who hears our prayers, you understand every yearning of the human heart. Listen to the prayers we have offered in the name of Jesus, the everlasting hope of Mary.


Source unknown, no credit available


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