Cardinal Lopez

Cardinal Lopez from the Dominican Republic made today's news. While he didn't sling a gun, he was able to bring violence to our world with his words. When James "Wally" Brewster, the US Ambassador to the Dominican Republic and openly gay man, made comments about the corruption there, the Cardinal lashed out. He told Brewster to go back to the Embassy. "Let him focus on housework, since he's the wife to a man." The comments went downhill from there.

If my son were in grade school, and I found out he made a hateful, angry comment like that, I would definitely punish him. Then I would try to explain to him that these kinds of words are hurtful. I would remind him that we are Christians who follow Jesus.  And Jesus to love everyone, even our enemies. Even people who hurt us or make us angry.I would sit down with my son and talk about other, more productive, kinder responses. We might actually practice them so he would be prepared the next time his feelings were hurt or his ego got bruised. Then I would kiss my son and assure him of my love; I would tell him I had confidence that he would grow into a strong and wise man.

So Cardinal Lopez, perhaps you need to start with a time out. Once you have cooled down and your ego has deflated a bit, remember you are a Christian and you follow Jesus. I know you have studied the scripture; so remember to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Remember cruel words can be damaging and cut deep wounds. Why don't you find a friend with whom you can practice other responses that may actually help to bring the Reign of God?  It might come in handy. And Cardinal, please remember that because we are also Christians, we extend love to you. Like all of us, you are a part of the Body of Christ, and we have faith that you can experience conversion and have a change of heart. The last thing we need is more violence in our world.  We will be praying.


Advent Week 2: Bringing Christ to Birth


Waiting. Watching. Praying.