Third Wednesday of Advent
Gospel: Mt 1:18-25
On this day, the week before Christmas, the prophet Jeremiah speaks of a leader who shall reign and govern wisely, who shall do what is just and right in the land and who shall be named “The Lord our justice.” Psalm 72 echoes that sentiment “Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace forever.”
In our divided country and in our war-torn world, justice and the fullness of peace seem like out-of-reach dreams. Why can’t human beings get it right? We seem to be fighting the same battles using different words and weapons. We seem to be no different than our ancestors….
What remains is our call. OUR CALL is the same as it was to the children of Israel and to Jesus’ disciples. We are called to work for justice and to bring about the fullness of peace. That call is the call to be lights for those in darkness in our own circles – in our families, in our workplaces, in our churches and in our communities. We are called to scatter the darkness wherever we see it, whenever we encounter it.
Let us pray today to have the desire to notice and be aware of the places where we can make a difference – where we can be justice-seekers and peace-makers. With God’s generous grace and love, we can brighten the world! Amen!
Paula Kowalkowski is a Spiritual Director and Retreat Leader.