Third Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord

Gospel: Jn 20: 1a, 2- 8

As a very young girl growing up in Wyoming, we didn’t have much but my mother somehow managed to purchase a manger (we never called it a creche – too fancy of a name for us).  Every year, that manger was prominently displayed, and she never put the Baby Jesus in his crib until December 25th.  I was always mesmerized by all the pieces in the manger, especially the shepherds and their lambs.  My father was a sheepherder and raised sheep in Wyoming, so those shepherds and sheep held a special meaning to me.  When my parents died, none of my 6 siblings wanted the manger so I excitedly grabbed the chance to possess it.  Through the years, in all our travels, I’ve carefully cared for the manger and still set it up in a special place where it will be safe.  It is old but still in incredible shape – everything has survived including the thatched roof of straw and the shepherd with the lamb slung over his shoulders.  Of course, the tradition continues of Baby Jesus being put in his crib on December 25th and on December 27th he remains cradled there and guarded by the shepherds.  This safety made it possible for Jesus to grow into a man.  Mary Magdalene could then discover his linens in a tomb.

After I’m gone, I hope my children and grandchildren will value and honor this precious manger.

Cathy Foxhoven is a CTA Vision Council member.


Fourth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord


Feast of Saint Stephen/ Second Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord